Karinjo DeVore | AIMF President


Karinjo Devore, Founding Board Member and President of AIMF, is based in Aspen, Colorado. Her background is in International Program Development and Consultancy, as well as, journalism. She has authored numerous articles on traditional world cultures and environmental issues in publications including National Geographic, GEO Magazine, Washington Times Magazine, Outside Magazine, and Modern Maturity. As a program developer and consultant for sustainable development and indigenous culture, she served for a decade as Regional Representative of the Fund for Research and Investment for the Development of Africa (FRIDA), an NGO devoted to promoting economic growth in the poorest of developing nations. She served as a consultant to the Lesotho National Development Corporation (LNDC) and helped establish a weaving and mohair industry that became Lesothoʼs second largest employer. She partnered with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) during the “Year of Indigenous Peoples” to create an Aspen-based program “Earth Voices” to celebrate the arts of indigenous cultures. She also Co-produced a five-year series of conferences on sustainable mountain development in Hokkaido, Japan, Aspen, Colorado, and Chamonix, France with Sister Cities International and UNEP. This work led to the establishment of the Aspen International Mountain Foundation (AIMF) in 2001. Karijno has been an avid skier with a mountaineering and ski racing background.

Margi Levitt